konieczko123 - 2011-07-14 19:35:28


startuje UWAGA: w czwartek 20-07-2011 g. 17:00!< ZAPRASZAM WSZYSTKICH GRACZY I TEAMY!

PKT za lvl:

180lvl - 30pkt do sms shopa

200lvl - 30pkt do sms shopa

230lvl - 30pkt do sms shopa

250lvl - 30pkt do sms shopa

270lvl - 30pkt do sms shopa

290lvl - 30pkt do sms shopa

310lvl - 30pkt do sms shopa

New edition of the best real map server ever starts on 20/07/2011 5:00 PM polish time

Also we would like to tell you that a year has passed since we started the first Feba ots Ots (21.02.2010). During this time the server has become one of the leader in the open tibia servers world! We know how to protect our server against ddos attack so quality and stability are in the first place!

Stable engine, which can handle 1000 players! We are prepared to welcome 1000 players from the whole world during the server start!

No server DDoSing! How many times have you lost your items and got irritated because someone attacked the server you were playing on? Our current hosting data center HosTeam provides us with efficient firewall, which can prevent our server from DDoS attacks!

New 'Green Town' for players who have done Gengia Hardcour Quest.

PvP Village is a island where you can learn how to doing wars and pk! If you die on this island you will not lose your lvls, skills and backpacks.

On Premiera Ots when you are promoted to the specified lvl you reward points to sms shop which you can spent on a great and very powerfull items!

This is not all, join us to see what a wonderful server it is!

Server Information

Server specification:
Intel Xeon Processor X3440 4x 2x 2.53+ GHz
1 x 0.5 TB
1 Gbps
Poznan - Wielkopolska
Tibia 8.6 Download Tibia Loader!
Exp stages:

Level: 1-50 : 300x
Level: 51-100 : 200x
Level: 101-130 : 70x
Level: 131-150 : 50x
Level: 151-170 : 30x
Level: 171-190 : 15x
Level: 191-200 : 10x
Level: 201-260 : 6x
Level: 261 : 3x

ZA 2TYG ostatnia belka bedzie zmieniona na x10

PVP Protection:
100 lvl
Skill Rate:
Magic Level Rate:
Loot Rate:
Frags & skull system
# redSkullLength = 1day
# blackSkullLength = 2 days
# dailyFragsToRedSkull = 20
# dailyFragsToBlackSkull = 25
+ ZAO + Farmine + Oken + Gengia + Pyre + Travora
+ Itea + Ithilien + Vinera + PVP Village + Razachai + other smaller islands
# Free Pacc
# Free 5cc in 45lvl
# Balanced vocations
# Great guild wars
# Top Frags
# Professional Mapping
# All Working Potions
# This isnt all, join us to see what a wonderful server this is!