Sura89 - 2012-02-17 21:28:36 startuje w niedziele o 14.00 !!!

Balduria posiada bardzo dopracowana RL Mape oraz skypty wszystkie sa przetestowane i dzialaja jak nalezy.

Na balduri nie musisz obawiac sie o crashe gdyz stoi na najnowszej wersji silnika OTServ ktory jest znany z najwiekszej stabilnosci oraz ktory nie ma bugow takich jakie wiekszosc otsow ma.(glownie tu chodzi o silnik nie o mape czy questy)

Gwarantujemy gre na wysokim poziomie!

Dostaniecie rowniez gp w grze za zdobycie lvli:
20k na lvl 50
50k na lvl 100

Przygotowalismy takze Punkty ktore beda dodawane po zdobyciu okreslonych lvli :

140lvl - 200pkt do sms shopa

160lvl - 200pkt do sms shopa

180lvl - 200pkt do sms shopa

200lvl - 200pkt do sms shopa

220lvl - 200pkt do sms shopa

240lvl - 200pkt do sms shopa

260lvl - 200pkt do sms shopa

280lvl - 200pkt do sms shopa

Posiadamy pelna globalny mape RL (lacznie z Zao) i wiekszosc questow.

Zdecydowalismy sie by nie dodawac zadnych nowych wysp gdyz bardzo niszczy to klimat jakim jest RL Tibia oraz nie wprowadzic np defensive_pz_lock'a gdyz jest to po prostu niszczenie klimatu PvP rowniez nie wprowadzimy glupiego systemu asysty dedow tylko 2 postacie dostaja fraga a nie 20 jak to sie dzieje na niektorych OTSach i na rl Tibi.

Uwazamy ze exp stage nie jest ani za wysoki ani za niski wiadomo ze nie kazdemu chce sie expic(kazdy woli sobie urzadzac wojny) ale nie mozna dopuscic tez do sytuacji gdzie 150 lvl robi sie w 4 h gdyz psuje to kompletnie wojny...

Jesli tu trafiles i zamierzasz grac bylbym wdzieczny gdybys pomogl rozleklamowac serwer np:kolegom na forach etc etc tak by na start wbilo wiecej osob.
Dziekuje :-)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ will start in sundey at 2:00 pm!!!

Balduria is having very unique Real Map and scripts. Everything has been tested and its working properly.
In the Balduria you dont have to worry about lags and crashes
because its standing on latest version engine OTservwhich is known of best stability and it doesnt have any bugs which you can found on most of the ots.

We represent the highest level of gaming ^^

You will get also cash for reaching levels:
20k for 50lev
50k for 100lev

As well we have prepared points which will be added after geting specific lev"

140lvl - 200pkt to sms shop

160lvl - 200pkt to sms shop

180lvl - 200pkt to sms shop

200lvl - 200pkt to sms shop

220lvl - 200pkt to sms shop

240lvl - 200pkt to sms shop

260lvl - 200pkt to sms shop

280lvl - 200pkt to sms shop

We are having full global map (include zao) and most of the quest.
We choose to not add any new islands because it destroing a climate of Real Tibia.
As well we didnt add defensive_pz_lock'a and stupid asysts of deaths ( which means that just 2 peaople will get frag for killing).
Is like that because we dont wanna destroy best, old climate of pvp ^^

In our opinion the level stage isnt too high or too low.
Its clear that not everybody is enjoing exping ( most of you is more interested in pvp)
but we canot afford to reach 150level in 4 hours (which doesnt make a sense of geaming).

If you reading that and you planing to join us on this server we would be greatfull if you could advertise our server for exemple:
your friends or in other way (we are looking for big number of player)

Thank You And see you in TIBIA ^^